Oct 3, 2022    Brett Baggett

DOCTRINE. Old Testament believers had the gospel preached to them in the Law and the Prophets; they knew they were sinners in themselves with no hope but God’s promised Savior; they were justified by the grace of God in Christ; and they were forgiven by means of the propitiation of Christ.

I. OLD TESTAMENT BELIEVERS HAD THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD THROUGH FAITH PREACHED TO THEM IN THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS, BUT THE FULL MANIFESTATION OF IT IS REVEALED IN CHRIST (Romans 3:21-22a). “But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.” Matthew Henry commented, “Yet it witness by the Law and the Prophets; that is, there were types, and prophecies, and promises, in the Old Testament, that pointed at this. The law is so far from justifying us that is directions to another way of justification, points at Christ as our righteousness, to whom bear all the prophets witness.”

II. OLD TESTAMENT BELIEVERS KNEW THEY WERE SINNERS IN THEMSELVES, UNABLE TO BE RECONCILED TO GOD BY THEIR WORKS (Romans 3:22b-23). “For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” In Romans 3:10-19, where Paul draws out the truth of total depravity from various Old Testament passages. Old Testament believers knew they were sinners in need of sovereign grace.

III. OLD TESTAMENT BELIEVERS WERE JUSTIFIED BY GOD’S GRACE AS A GIFT, AS THEY LOOKED TO CHRIST IN FAITH, AND THE PROPITIATION BY HIS BLOOD, THROUGH THE SHADOWS; NEW TESTAMENT BELIEVERS ARE JUSTIFIED BY GOD’S GRACE AS A GIFT, AS WE LOOK TO CHRIST IN FAITH, AND THE PROPITIATION BY HIS BLOOD, AT THE BODY (Romans 3:24-25a). “and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith.” Matthew Henry wrote, “Jesus is all in all in our reconciliation, not only the maker, but the matter of it—our priest, our sacrifice, our altar, our all. God was in Christ as in his mercy-seat, reconciling the world to himself.”

IV. OLD TESTAMENT BELIEVERS WERE FORGIVEN OF THEIR SINS BECAUSE OF WHAT CHRIST WOULD DO; NEW TESTAMENT BELIEVERS ARE FORGIVEN BECAUSE OF WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE (Romans 3:25b). “This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.”

CONCLUDING QUESTIONS. Do you see the righteousness of God through faith born witness to in the Law and the Prophets? Do you see the righteousness of God perfectly manifested in Jesus Christ?

Do you see that there is no distinction; that you have sinned and fall short of the glory of God?

Do you see justification by God’s grace given to the Old Testament believers, as they looked through the shadows to Christ (Lev. 16)? Do you see the substance, the very body, Christ Jesus Himself who cast the shadows, who made propitiation for a sinner like you? Did he make propitiation by his blood for you? Then what grace God has given you, and will never take it away!

Do you see God’s manifest righteousness, having forgiven Old Testament believers by what would happen to Christ, and New Testament believers because of what has happened to Christ?

Oh that we would sit at the feet of Christ’s cross and wonder at this glorious gospel. God has made a way to be both just and the justifier. He can receive you into His love without compromising His justice. This is glory that you can never exhaust. These are things into which the angels long to look. Look! Look at Christ! Cling to Christ! Celebrate Christ! Preach Christ! Glory in Christ!