Mar 21, 2021    Brett Baggett

I. A woman of worth does her duty and trusts in the providence of God (v. 1-3)

II. A woman of worth is reverent (v. 4-7a)

III. A woman of worth is a hard worker (v. 7b)

IV. A woman of worth is grateful to be protected and provided for (v. 8-10, 14-16)

V. A women of worth adorns herself with faith and holiness (v. 11)

VI. A woman of worth is committed to selfless love (v. 11a, 17-18)

VII. A woman of worth is devoted to the LORD above all (v. 11b)

VIII. A woman of worth follows the LORD wherever he leads (v. 11c)

IX. A woman of worth embraces the LORD’s people (v. 11d)

X. A women of worth perseveres in good works (v. 19-23)

XI. A woman of worth takes refuge under the wings of the LORD (v. 12-13)

DISCUSSION Read verses 19-22.

1. Read verses 1-7. What do we learn about Boaz in these verses? What do we learn about Ruth? What does verse 3 reveal about the loving providence of God?

2. Read verses 8-13. What does Boaz exhort Ruth to do in verses 8-9? What does he promise her? How does Boaz prefigure Christ Jesus here? How did Ruth respond in verses 10 and 13? What reason does Boaz give for showing her favor in verses 11-12? What is the anchor of all these good works, according to the last part of verse 12?

3. Read verses 14-16. What did Boaz say to Ruth? What must Ruth have been thinking? How does Boaz prefigure the Lord Jesus here?

4. Read verses 17-23. What stands out to you in these verses and why? What does Naomi identify Boaz as at the end of verse 20? How does Leviticus 25:25-33, 48-54 shed light on this word “redeemer”?
*note they are the same words in Hebrew