I. THE REDEEMER (vv. 14-15)
I) The LORD brings glory and praise to His name through the redeemer Obed (v. 14a). II) The LORD will make the redeemer’s name renowned in Israel (v. 14b). III) The redeemer Obed is a restorer (v. 15a). IV) The redeemer Obed is a nourisher (v. 15b).
II. THE REDEEMED (v. 16-17)
I) The redeemed Naomi is loved deeply (v. 15c). II) The redeemed Naomi is blessed immensely (vv. 16-17).
I) If you have been delivered from your sin and despair through the greater Redeemer, Christ Jesus, you have been blessed immensely. II) If Jesus is your redeemer, you are loved deeply. III) Jesus is a nourishing redeemer. IV) Jesus is a restoring redeemer. V) Now the name of this generous, loving, nourishing, and restoring Redeemer is renowned not only in Israel but to the ends of the earth. VI) The Lord God brings glory and praises to His name through the greater Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.
1. How did the women respond in verses 14-15 and what do we learn here?
2. Read verses 16-17. How has Naomi’s life changed especially when compared to Ruth 1:20-21? Who were the human actors in this story of redemption? Who was the ultimate actor—that is to ask, what do we learn concerning the LORD’s secret and loving providence in the book of Ruth? What was the child named Obed and who would be his grandson?