THE KING IS COMING: Ruth 4:18-22
I. Everything that happened to Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz was providentially guided by the LORD to bring David into the world (Ruth 1-4)
II. Everything that happened to Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz was providentially guided by the Lord to ultimately bring Jesus into the world (Ruth 1-4)
III. What did the Lord do through David? (2 Samuel 7:8-14)
I) I) The LORD RULED His people through David
II) The LORD CUT OFF all His people’s current ENEMIES through David
III) The LORD made the NAME of David great
IV) The LORD brought PEACE to His people through David
V) The LORD gave PROTECTION to His people through David
VI) The LORD provided REST for His people through David
VII) The LORD established an eternal KINGDOM and TEMPLE through David
IV. What has the Lord done and what is He doing through Jesus? (Ezekiel 24:23-24)
I) The Lord has made Jesus the King
II) The Lord has made Jesus the Shepherd
I. Read verses 18-22. Why does the author place this as the conclusion to this book and what does that teach us concerning the point of it being included in the canon of Scripture? How do Matthew 1:1-17 and Romans 15:8-13 help clarify?