Jun 28, 2020    Brett Baggett


I. Some preach Christ from envy and rivalry— from selfish ambition.

II. Some preach Christ from good will—from love.

III. Paul rejoices, no matter the affliction his detractors try to cause him, because Christ is proclaimed.


I. You can believe and preach every doctrine perfectly and still be full of vices—still be in sin.

II. You can be as loving and sincere as an angel and still be cursed by God if you get the gospel wrong.

III. If Christ be proclaimed truly, we must rejoice fully.

IV. If you treasure Jesus, you will not care about your own reputation because you are too concerned with His.


I. What are the two groups of gospel preachers Paul lists in verse 15? What do these words mean? What can we learn from this?

II. Why do those who preach the gospel “from good will” do what they do, according to verse 16? Why do those who preach the gospel “from envy and rivalry” do what they do, according to verse 17? What do these words mean? What can we learn from this?

III. In verse 18a, how does Paul respond to these two groups of gospel preachers? Does this mean Paul does not care about the particulars of the gospel message? How does Galatians 1:6-9 help clarify? Therefore, what does Paul mean and what does he not mean here in Philippians 1:18a?