Jul 19, 2020    Brett Baggett


I. If we are in Christ, we must be united (v. 1-2)

II. If we would be united, we must humble ourselves (v. 3b)

III. If we would humble ourselves, we must avoid self ambition and conceit (v. 3a)

IV. If we would humble ourselves, we must count others more significant (v. 3c-4)

V. We humble ourselves for Christ because He humbled Himself for us (v. 5)


I. What does Paul hope to see in the lives of these Philippian Christians according to verse 1? What do each of these mean?

II. According to verse 2, what will “complete [Paul’s] joy”? What does it mean to “[be] of the same mind”? What does it mean to “[have] the same love”? What does it mean to “[be] in full accord and of one mind”?

III. Humility is truly the theme of verses 1-4. What will the humble Christian’s life look like according to verse 3? What does “selfish ambition” mean? What does “conceit” mean? Do you count others more significant than yourself? If not, how can you start? If so, how can you grow in that grace?

IV. What is Paul not saying in verse 4? What is he saying? Look ahead to verses 5-7. What is the root of such humility?