THE ADVANCE OF THE GOSPEL: Philippians 1:12-14

Jun 21, 2020    Brett Baggett


I. Jesus advances the gospel through us as we suffer for His name's sake (v. 12-13)

II. Jesus advances the gospel through us as we are confident in Him (v. 14a)

III. Jesus advances the gospel through us as we boldly speak the word of God without fear (v. 14b)


I. Whatever comes your way, learn to see it not as an obstacle but as an opportunity to proclaim the ultimate value of Christ Jesus.

II. Jesus’ plans are always better than our plans.

III. Suffering with joy as you proclaim the Gospel is the best way to show the magnificent worth of knowing Jesus.

IV. Look at the example of others whom Jesus has used to suffer for the sake of the gospel, and become more confident and bold by their example—see how God sustained them to be faithful and worked mightily through them.

V. Good words are the seeds and good works the fertilizer that we scatter and water; God causes the growth.


I. What does Paul want his brothers and sisters in Christ to know, according to verses 12-13? What is he referring to when he says “what has happened to me”? What has his imprisonment produced in the “imperial guard”? Who is this all “for” according to the end of verse 13? What can we learn here concerning how Jesus advances the gospel in the world?

II. What did Paul’s suffering for Jesus’ sake do to “most of the brothers” according to the first part of verse 14? This is crucial: who are they confident “in”? What can we learn here concerning how Jesus advances the gospel in the world?

III. According to the second part of verse 14, what did this “confidence in the Lord” result in? What can we learn here concerning how Jesus advances the gospel in the world?