SLAVES AND SAINTS: Philippians 1:1-5
I. The Slaves who wrote it (v. 1)
II. The Saints who received it (v. 1, 3-5)
III. The Source of their every need (v. 2)
I. Who is the author of this letter according to verse 1? What do we learn about Paul from Acts chapter 26? Who is with Paul as he writes? What do we learn about Timothy from Acts 16:1-5, Romans 16:21, 1 Corinthians 4:17, 2 Corinthians 1:19, 1 Thessalonians 3:2, 1 Timothy 1:2, and 2 Timothy 1:2?
II. What title does Paul give both himself and Timothy in verse 1? What does this word mean? How should this help us understand a key component of the Christian life?
III. Who is Paul writing to according to the second half of verse 1? What title does he give them and what does that word mean? How should this make us joyful? Where do these “saints” reside? What do we learn about the origins of the church at Philippi in Acts 16:6-40?
IV. Which two church offices does Paul mention in verse 1? How does 1 Timothy 3:1-13 shed light on these offices? What do we learn about Church government in verse 1?
V. What does Paul want the saints at Philippi to receive, according to verse 2? What do these words mean? Who is the source of this “grace…and peace”?
VI. What do we learn about Paul and the Philippians in verses 3-5?