LIGHTS IN THE WORLD: Philippians 2:14-18

Aug 9, 2020    Brett Baggett


How must we live in this crooked and twisted generation? We must live as shining lights (v. 15)

I. If we would be lights in the world we must not grumble or dispute (v. 14)

II. If we would be lights in the world we must hold fast and hold forth the word of life (v. 16)

III. If we would be lights in the world we must pour ourselves out for others (v. 17)

IV. If we would be lights in the world we must be glad and rejoice (v. 18)


I. What things are we commanded to do “without grumbling or disputing” in verse 14? What does Paul mean by “grumbling”? What does Paul mean by “disputing”?

II. To what end are we to “do all things without grumbling or disputing” according to verse 15? How does Paul describe the public witness of the Christian? How does Paul describe those not united to Christ by faith?

III. According to verse 16, what must we “[hold] fast to” if we are going to live “as lights in the world”? What does Paul mean by “so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain”?

IV. According to verses 17-18, what else marks the Christian life besides “[shining] as lights in the world”? What does Paul mean by “poured out as a drink offering”? How should this encourage you as you suffer for Jesus’ sake? What does Paul say we “should be” in verse 18?